Lensamandalika.com – The Masata DPC Lombok Tengah in collaboration with 10 Billion Strong, Ocean Recovery Alliance, and Yayasan Kebon Sepatu held the Green Leader Workshop on March 17-18, 2023. The event aimed to help develop and cultivate environmental leadership in communities in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) Province.

Yulia Prayanti, the PIC program as well as an alumni program from 10 Billion Strong said that The event was attended by participants from various backgrounds, including students, environmental activists, Karang Taruna leaders from various villages, and professionals, at the Bappeda meeting room Kompleks Kantor Bupati, Gedung C, Lantai 2 Lombok Tengah.

The Green Leader Workshop aimed to provide understanding and knowledge about environmental sustainability and sustainable tourism to environmental activists and young community leaders. The event was initiated by MASATA DPC Lombok Tengah, supported by 10 Billion Strong, Yayasan Kebon Sepatu, Ocean Recovery Alliance, and Bappeda Kabupaten Lombok Tengah.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman of MASATA Lombok Tengah, Lalu Sandika Irwan, M.Tr. Par emphasized the importance of community collaboration in addressing organic and inorganic waste management issues in the environment and tourism areas. He also asserted that waste management is a shared responsibility. All communities and stakeholders must collaborate and work together to keep the environment clean and healthy.

“We all have to take responsibility for waste management. Communities, entrepreneurs, government, and all parties must work together to address this issue,” he said.

Sandika also highlighted the importance of waste management in the tourism sector. According to him, cleanliness and environmental sustainability are important factors in attracting tourists to come and visit an area.

“Cleanliness and environmental sustainability are essential factors in the tourism industry. If the environment is clean and healthy, it will attract tourists to come and visit again,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Regional Planning, Research, and Development Agency for Central Lombok Regency (BAPPEDA), represented by the Head of Economic Development Planning Division, Dalilah, SP, M.EV.M appreciated the Green Leader Workshop initiated by Masata Lombok Tengah and 10 Billion Strong. According to her, this activity is very important because it encourages active participation from the community in efforts to maintain sustainable environmental and tourism development in Lombok Tengah Regency.

“Lombok Tengah has many natural and tourism potentials that need to be maintained and developed sustainably. Therefore, through this activity, it is expected that young community leaders can play a significant role in maintaining environmental and sustainable tourism development in this region,” said the magister graduate in environmental studies from Kangaroo Country.

The same sentiment was expressed by Patrick, the Director of 10 Billion Strong, who also participated in this event virtually. He expressed his hope that this event can contribute positively to the environment and the surrounding community. 10 Billion Strong is a global organization committed to advocating for sustainability and social justice.

During the event, participants received materials about Sustainable Tourism, Partnerships & Community Organizing, Environmental Leadership, Waste Management, and Environmental Movement Building. The materials are expected to be a provision for participants to continue to contribute to maintaining environmental sustainability and support the realization of sustainable tourism in Lombok NTB.

In addition to indoor activities, on the second day of the event, March 18, 2023, participants also conducted Waste Management (Organic) practice at BSF Sengkol and Waste Management (Plastic) practice at the PT. Bank Sejahtera Waste Bank, Tanak Awu Pujut.

Yudi, one of the participants from Pujut sub-district, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to MASATA Central Lombok and all parties involved in organizing this workshop. He hopes that similar programs will continue and reach community leaders in villages throughout West Nusa Tenggara.

“Thank you and I am proud to be a part of this extraordinary activity. I hope it continues,” he said during the workshop.

In the closing statement of the Green Leader Workshop, Akke Mathilde de Jong from Yayasan Kebon Sepatu expressed her hope for sustainable tourism in Lombok and Sumbawa, NTB, which includes all watersport activities using wind, water-current, and solar energy as the main human-driven force. This approach will provide the province with a unique eco-tourism identity, emphasizing the importance of environmental sustainability and the responsible use of natural resources. Such an approach can benefit both the local communities and the environment, promoting a more harmonious relationship between tourism and nature. (red/lm)